Health Coaching Program


Prior to signing up, you will receive a free 45-minute health history where we gather information on your current health and expectations going forward. This also allows us both to see if we are a good match for a coach/client relationship.

The 6-month health coach program consists of 12, 1-hour sessions, meeting twice a month. We will discuss some of your major health roadblocks and obstacles and work together to form healthier habits that are sustainable and meet your individual needs.

You will receive handouts and light homework at each session to help navigate our time together as well as maintain progress between sessions.

I look forward to being a part of your journey towards better health and wellness.

Let’s do this…together!

Interested in Health Coaching?

Get in touch today to schedule a free health history.

Read what clients have said upon completing their 6-month health coaching program…

“My main goals when starting this program were to be more relaxed with food, trust my body more and move more. Cristina worked with me where I was in terms of branching out with food. She spoke from her own perspective but never pushed what she does on me and helped me manage my stressors in small doses. After completing the program I am much more relaxed with food. This was actually the first Thanksgiving in almost 10 years that I allowed myself to have everything without guilt or feel the need to workout to “make up for it”. Cristina was sincere, truly caring about me as an individual, empathetic, kind, knowledgeable, encouraging and devoted. I believe anyone could benefit from this kind of work!”

Kayla P.

“When I first started with Cristina, my goals were to drink more water and lose weight. But then my goals changed. I finally accepted my diabetes diagnosis and my goals shifted to things that made more sense. The biggest tangible thing to come from this program is no longer feeling guilty about the food choices I make. I do not see foods as “evil” and I do not feel guilty about my health but understand that I can improve. Cristina was loving, understanding and helpful and because of her program I am more comfortable with myself and my body.  If you need help healing your relationship with food or to teach you Pilates I highly recommend Cristina and her studio!”

Joye C.

“I would recommend this 6-month program to anyone wanting reasonable advice on how to make incremental changes to lifestyle habits to improve overall health and wellness.  Cristina is very knowledgable, patient and has a special skillset to encourage and promote development with a unique coaching style.  She helped introduce new foods to increase protein intake and even concepts new to me to help with a more intuitive eating approach. My biggest tangible change during our time working together was increased energy and strength and just a better attitude towards my improvements.  Hiking 3 miles again was HUGE to me!”

Nolton J.

“At the start of my health coaching journey I had given up jogging, had a poor relationship with certain foods and was in the middle of soul searching the woman I wanted to become in the “second act” of my life. During the last six months, Cristina helped me work through these obstacles by demystifying negative thoughts about food, giving positive encouragement and holding me accountable to my goals. Two of the biggest changes I have noticed in myself upon graduating the program have been, giving myself grace when eating sweets and snacks by changing the narrative around such foods, as well as how to set goals by breaking actions down into realistic steps. Cristina has a kind spirit, provides encouragement and shares her own personal successes and failures. I would recommend this program to any and everyone!”
